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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thing 23- One Last Thing

Yay, I did it this time!!!
I learned a lot. I'm glad I stuck with it, even though I had to do almost all the work at home. In my current online class there was a survey to see how much we knew about 2.0 tools, and because of this course I knew about all of the mentioned tools. If I hadn't done this, I think I only would have been familiar with Facebook.
I really enjoyed some of the Things, especially YouTube. I think I will continue to use, or at least look at, most of the Things. I don't currently have the kind of job where I would use them much, but I'm sure I can find other ways to use them.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Congratulations on sticking with it and finishing the 23 Things. I hope you had fun as well. Excellent that this program has helped you in other ways too. I look forward to reading more on your blog--one benefit many found was that they really enjoy blogging. Now that the program is ending, they are going back and reading everyone else's blogs and learning even more.