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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Thing 8- Share Your Creations

I thought the name of this Thing seemed repetitious, because I had already been sharing a couple of creations in the blog. I was happy to find something new to make and put in the blog in Lazybase. My blog now has a link to a database of books that I like and would recommend. There's only one book in there at the moment, but I'll add more. Lazybase has almost no instructions and it took a lot of clicking to figure out how to put the book in there.


23 Things said...

I think Lazybase has possiblities, but I have had no end of trouble with it. Glad yours worked.

JeanneBR said...

I like your flaming heart. :-) I got annoyed with Lazybase, too. I tend to use spreadaheets instead.